Different Adsense Ad Formats

The variety of Adsense Ad formats means that you can integrate Adsense into almost any spot on your website. There are currently 10 standard Ad formats and 6 Adlink formats.

The Standard Adsense Ad Formats

Horizontal Ad Formats
1. 728 x 90: Leaderboard
2. 468 x 60: Banner
3. 234 x 60: Half Banner

Vertical Ad Formats
4. 120 x 600: Skyscraper
5. 120 x 140: Vertical Banner

Square Ad Formats
6. 125 x 125: Button
7. 300 x 250: Medium Rectangle
8. 250 x 250: Square
9. 336 x 280: Large Rectangle
10. 180 x 150: Small Rectangle

The Adsense Adlinks Formats

Horizontal Adlink Formats
1. 728 x 15
2. 468 x 15

Square Adlink Formats
3. 200 x 90
4. 180 x 90
5. 160 x 90
6. 120 x 90

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